
What's DMX512?

What is DMX512?

The abbreviation DMX stands for Digital Multiplex and denotes a serial signal, which carries a special protocol from a controller 

to a DMX receiving device (the laser projector) in order to display pre-set effects. Through solely one cable it is possible to 

manage 512 different channels. Every system connected laser system has got a certain start address (within the spectrum 1-512). 

Each signal can process 256 single signal steps - i.e. values from 0-256. Normally the value 0 stands for "OFF", the value 255 for 

"ON". Depending on the processing control signal, also effects, movements or simple signalings, etc. may be controlled. The DMX512 

protocol simply provides the trigger signal - then action to be preformed will be implemented by the control board of the 

controlled device, according to the programming.

DMX512 is a standard for digital communication networks that are commonly used to control lighting and effects. It was originally 

intended as a standardized method for controlling stage lighting dimmers, which, prior to DMX512, had employed various 

incompatible proprietary protocols. It quickly became the primary method for linking controllers (such as a lighting console) to 

dimmers and special effects devices such as fog machines and intelligent lights.


A standard protocol for digital communication

• Commonly used to control stage lighting and

theatrical effects (ex: moving lights, color

changing lights, fog machines, etc.)

• Also commonly used for color changing LED


• DMX512 is the current standard and is maintained by

ESTA (Entertainment Services and Technology


• The DMX 512 signal is a set of 512 separate intensity

levels (channels) that are constantly being updated

• One DMX link of 512 channels is defined as a Universe

– Typical theatrical consoles have multiple Universe outputs

• Each level has 256 steps divided over a range of 0 to

100 percent.





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